Tuesday, March 31, 2015

PBL7/ How to use data in media planning?

This time we read a trigger of media agencies and thought about the data that needs to be stored about the customers to be able to create a successful media plan. As usual we decided a question as well as sub questions to be able to fully understand the concept of media planning and customer data.

  Characteristics of Media (Types of Media)? 

After the message has been decided, the organization should focus on creating a media plan. This is a way to create an optimum route for delivering the message to the customer. Normally taken care by specialist, like for example the media agencies cause it’s normally the their core expertise. They understand the consumers and media landscape better as well as have the relationships with different media owners. This makes complementing the plan much easier. (Fill, Chris 2013, 713).
In the following picture you will be able to see the different types of media:


This video combines everything together pretty well in my opinion. 

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbEBc1fx6uw)

In addition to these mentioned people talk nowadays more and more about shared media also as its own category. See the following example for B2B organizations media mix.

(Source: http://pearanalytics.com/blog/2014/sample-marketing-plan-with-paid-owned-earned-and-shared-media) 

  What is media planning? 

“The task of the media planner is to deliver advertising messages through a selection of media that match the viewing, reading or search habits of the target audience at the lowest possible cost.“ (Fill 2013, 713). To fulfill this task Fill states that three elements need to be considered: the choice of media, vehicles and schedules. In Advertising Media Planning Kelley, Jugenheimer and Barte Sheehan clarify a long list of the different components of media planning (picture below) (Kelley, Jugenheimer, Bartel Sheehan 2012, 14).

Nowadays media planning becomes much faster with the help of wide range of developing technology as well as fast changing markets. So what is a good media plan nowadays? I found an article by Adweek distinguishing the best media plans of 2014. See the following link:

 Data for media planning?

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r1SRMqOIYg)


Fill, Chris 2013. Marketing Communications: brands, experiences and participation. 6th edition. Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, United Kingdom

Kelley, Larry D., Jugenheimer, Donald W., Bartel Sheehan, Kim 2012. Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. 3th edition. M.E. Sharpe, Inc. New York.